Jan 24, 2009

2009 Great Plains Tournament

Our team played in an open handicapped tournament today at Pershing Auditorium here in Lincoln. We started off really hot, beating up on the first team we played pretty handlely (Rumored to be Iowa team champs). But we played pretty well. Then we lost to the next team we played...but gave them a nice head start, giving them the first 5 8 balls. We had a couple hour wait so we headed to Duggan's for some grub and caught some 3 card monte...this guy is from Omaha and has some pretty good slide of hand! He took a few buck and put on a profitable show for himself.

In the loser bracket, we won our first match easily, then started off horribly with 6 straight losses out of the 16 game format. Then we went on to win 7 straight back to make a good match of it. Our last player played a perfect safety with his 5 ball, blocking him from the stripe.

Then he managed to get a hit with a lucky, but good kick off the titty... er corner of the pocket.

That was the end for us in that tournament...that kick shot cost our team $60 minimum since we missed cashing by one team win. All-in-all it was a fun day though.

Jan 18, 2009

2009 Heartland Tournament

Our team started off badly losing 2 out our first 3 matches. But this made us eligible for the "Second Chance" Tourney. There were 22 two-time losers eligible for this tournament...we won 3 matches and ended up getting 3rd for a $60 payout.

After this we took off to pick up our kids from the grandparents. It was now midnight already!! Our first match was at 9am...needless to say my wife and I are now tired of pool!

I got pulled over on my way to get the kids and got lucky with just a warning! Got home with the kids at around 2:30 am....not sure I wanna do this again, but it was fun.

Jan 14, 2009

Tough 8 Ball Run

Played pretty well last night in leagues, winning 4 out of 5 games. Lost 10-0 the first game when Jim made an awesome run-out. Shot a 40...heres the runout. Didn't think there was room past the 4...but he got out!

Then a bank 8 to finish me off.

Our team went 4-2 and lost that round by 1 because of my goose-egg

Jan 6, 2009

Passing Lane Trickshot

Pretty popular shot done and is standard for many trick shot players. I can do it about 1 outta 10....Here's about a 1 minute video showing it in slow motion.

Here another interesting video I found for jump shots. Under 2 minutes...good slow motion and a close jump shot.

Jan 3, 2009

Pool Player Lottery Ticket

Couldn't help but buy a couple of these lottery scratch tickets, only down a buck since I hit $2. Sorry for the dull excitement here...all I got for now. Woulda been nice to hit a couple hundred instead of a gallon of gas.