Feb 27, 2011

Challenge #26

Your opponent broke and made nothing, you have an open table and...of course...need a 10-0 for the match!

Feb 25, 2011

Solution #25

I really don't seen an offensive or two-way shot worth pursuing here...

I recommend Saaaa-aaaa--fety

This looks like the easiest safety to pull off in getting behind the 8 ball.

Here is another option, but this seems more difficult and could leave an easy jump shot for your opponent.

You could also tie up the 8 ball with your 9 ball since you have more left on the table...this would also leave your opponent only a tough shot in the side pocket for his 2 ball.

What would you suggest to do here?

Feb 21, 2011

Feb 20, 2011

Challenge #25

You were running out stripes and rolled a foot too far to get way out of shape...what would you do there?

Feb 18, 2011

Solution #24

With a couple pockets blocked by your opponents stripes...you really need to think ahead on this runout. The angles (or lack thereof) can easily get you out of shape. I like the side pockets and would start off with the 2 ball in the side...with drifting shape for the 1 ball.

If you go past straight in on your 1 ball shape it makes the 3 ball shape a lot more tricky...but as long as you error on the side of caution (being short) you won't have to worry about scratching too much with the pocket blocked.

The shape for the 8 ball is probably the toughest shot here, the window is sort of small her and requires good speed control.

If you mess up this runout your opponent should likely get out easily on you with a couple ducks.

Practice this runout 5 or 10 times and drop a comment with your success ratio!

Feb 13, 2011

Challenge #24

You are solids and your opponent rattle his stripe and scratched. You need to run these with two pockets blocked by your opponents stripes.

Feb 11, 2011

Solution #23

Solids look better that stripes here due to the 10 ball being it a bad spot and the opening shot for taking solids is much easier that one for stripes.

Last thing you want to do is miss the first shot and have your opponent run out the rack on you.

How would you run this rack out? Drop a comment!

Feb 9, 2011

Week 18 League Recap

Well, we started out rough this past week...but managed to finish out and go 4-2 to maintain a 1 round lead in our league. I had a game with "winner-wins" for the round and had 4 (COUNT EM), four chances at the 8 ball and missed them all. The first one I had was on my runout and was probably an 80% chance of making. The next one was a cross corner bank that is maybe 25%...then a thin cut that I'd say is a 60% and a longer thin cut that I say is 50%.

After league, I missed the shot 3 more times in a row and my team touted...50% Yeah Right! My dad and I shot around a little bit and I shot it and made it 3 in a row...here is the shot. The rest of my team thought I'd bank it in the side or corner...but the cut isn't that bad!

Feb 6, 2011

Challenge #23

Your opponent broke dry...you need the 10-0 to win the round!


Feb 4, 2011

Solution #22

The 3 ball and the 5 ball are the toughest shots and you need to start with one of them...I would shoot much differently if I only needed to make 3 balls for the round on league night though!

I would really be tempted to try for 3 ball shape off the 5 ball shot...

Getting back to the 3 ball is the key of this runout

What are your thoughts/suggestions?

Feb 3, 2011

Sorry Baby... My Bad!

Lesson 1: Life Is Rough!

Welcome to the world...

Superbowl related humor I ran across...

Black Eyed Peas Halftime Show...LOL

There was one empty seat at the Super Bowl!

Hope you enjoyed the Packers Win...I'm sure Favre did!
